Goalball players invade WRMS

Providing opportunities to have fun, participate and compete.

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Ontario’s largest annual goalball competition is always a landmark event and this year’s was a great success! The 2018 Provincial/Eastern Canadian Goalball Championships took place on the first weekend of March at the W. Ross MacDonald School for the Blind in Brantford. Seventeen teams brought a total of seventy athletes from all over Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia to join in on a truly special weekend. The event included a jam-packed bracket which resulted in an awesomely competitive experience. A job well done to all of the athletes who endured an intense weekend of goalball! Gold Medals were awarded in four separate divisions. Congratulations to the following clubs for taking home GOLD!

Women’sA’: Bytown Scourge
(Whitney B., Gen H., Nathalie C., Diana H.)

  • Coached by Rob Christy and Matt Robinson

Men’sA’: Brantford Honey Badgers
(Nader I., Justin L., Brandon K.)

  • Coached by Rob Christy and Matt Robinson

Mixed Division: Nova Scotia Ship Recs
(Yvon C., John Courtney, Jennifer M., Adam Noble)

  • Coached by Linda MacRae Triff and Peter Parsons

Youth Division: Kitchener Rolling Rangers
(Braeden L, Owen L., Hadyn B., Owen P.)

  • Coached by Glen Wade and Lana Vanderlee

Take a sneak peek into the 2018 OBSA Provincials Championships: http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/2018/03/04/goalball-players-invade-wrms