About Us

Incorporated in 1984, Ontario Blind Sports Association is a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) that plans, promotes, coordinates, and sanctions events and activities designed to assist the development of sports programs for blind and visually impaired athletes in Ontario. We provide a networking platform for the exchange of expertise and resources relating to sport for athletes, coaches, officials, and other stakeholders in the blind sport community.

Providing opportunities to have fun, participate and compete.

Upcoming Events

OBSA aims to increase opportunities for inclusion of its members into able-bodied sport programs by providing Ontario’s sport leaders with resources and support to expand the capacity of inclusive sport programming throughout the province. We also run a variety of in-house programs that caters to athletes and sport participants of all levels.

For more information about our role and our policies, please visit: http://www.mtc.gov.on.ca/en/sport/sport/pso.shtml